Support for doctors appearing before a tribunal

Another plastering approach by the GMC to control symptoms. However willingness to tackle and treat the cause from the GMC, BMA, BAPIO, etc remains to be seen.

Improving medical education and practice across the UK

Bojana Connor, MPTS

Last year, nearly 12% of doctors attended hearings at the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS) without legal representation. The tribunal service runs hearings for doctors whose fitness to practise is called into question.

Bojana Connor, adjudication co-ordinator at the MPTS, is part of a team that helps doctors to use the new Doctor Contact Service at the hearing centre. 

What is the Doctor Contact Service and who offers it?

Well, this is a relatively new initiative, which we’re piloting to improve the support offered to doctors at MPTS hearings, particularly those who attend on their own or without representation.

We want to help lessen the isolation and stress that doctors can encounter, but we’re also there to signpost useful support material and services, as well as giving information about the hearing process. This was one of the proposals that came from our work with Professor Louis Appleby to reduce the…

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